四 季 天 使 - 隱安智知識庫
隱形矯正是利附著在牙齒表面的附件或是豆豆attachment 產生向量的力量將排列不整齊的牙齒逐步往規劃好的排列移動,直到牙齒排列整齊為止。隱形矯正和傳統上線矯正的基本概念的差異在於,前者是已經設定好的位置移動,而後者則朝設定的方向移動。
C4+牙套具有,將牙齒排列在一類咬合要得到最 Class I 的 Maximal Intercuspal Position(MIP)上,這個位置又稱為 Central Occlusion (CO),為上下顎牙齒之間的關係的功能,隱形矯正合併C4+可以使矯正結果更完美。(本數位排牙法已經申請多國的專利)
ALiGO C4 咬合固位器TPO,是一種定制的牙科矯治器,旨在優化正畸治療
ALiGO C4 咬合固位器TPO由醫用級矽膠製成,專為每位患者的口腔設置而量身定制。
ALiGO C4 咬合固位器具有可促進牙齒移動的精密附件(attachments)、以第一類咬合為錨定加上牙套內矽膠襯墊可增加正門牙和側門牙壓力的移至一類咬合(class I occlusuion)與門牙間軸角協調的位置,以及可提高呼吸舒適度和患者接受度的獨特舌板設計。
ALiGO C4 定位器以 H. D. Kesling 博士的牙齒定位器為基礎,以其能夠常規實現 美國矯正協會ABO例行最佳結果而聞名,使其成為矯正醫生的寶貴工具。無論最初的治療計劃如何,它都可以實現更快、更有效的治療結果,提高患者對早期托槽移除的滿意度,並每次都能實現完美的治療效果。
ALiGO TPO 矯治器、定制矯治器和 優化矯正矯結果,為矯正需求提供全面的解決方案,確保在規定的時間內獲得高質量的結果
ALiGO C4 positioner, a custom-made dental appliance designed to optimize orthodontic treatment.
Made from medical-grade silicone, the tool is custom-tailored to each patient’s oral setting.
The ALiGO C4 positioner has precise attachments that can promote tooth movement, anchored by the class I occlusion and the silicone liner in the mouthpiece can increase the pressure of the front and side incisors to move to the class I occlusuion coordinates with the incisor axis angle, and a unique tongue plate design that improves breathing comfort and patient acceptance.
The ALiGO C4 positioner is based on Dr. H. D. Kesling’s tooth positioner, known for its ability to routinely achieve the best results in the American Association of Orthodontics ABO routine, making it an invaluable tool for orthodontists. Regardless of the original treatment plan, it enables faster and more effective treatment outcomes, improves patient satisfaction with early bracket removal, and achieves perfect results every time.
ALiGO TPO aligners, customized aligners and optimized orthodontic results, provide a comprehensive solution for orthodontic needs, ensuring high-quality results within the stipulated time.
C4 ALiGO positioner ideally suited for aligner treatment by promoting an ideal occlusion and reducing the number of trays needed for refinement
ALiGo Positioner is a custom-made Medical Grade Silicone mouthpiece that is constructed over a setup and fabricated in normal hinge-axis relationship.
Available with the following features:
1. Custom-made for each patient over their individualized set-up
2. Precision seating attachments move teeth without the patient exercising into the Class l position even while sleeping
3. Socket silicon liners or bridges apply more positive pressure to central and lateral incisors
4. Appliance was designed tongue plate to hold the tongue to up and anterior position for breathing comfort and increased acceptance
5. Less discomfort for positive results
Guaranteed for as long as you prescribe
Over 70 years later, the fundamental design of the remarkable appliance is still helping orthodontists achieve an ABO-Grade finish on a routine basis.
Achieve the perfect finish every time.
TPO’s founder, Dr. H. D. Kesling invented the Tooth Positioner for the sole purpose of achieving “final artistic positioning and retention.” Now, over 70 years later, the fundamental design of this remarkable appliance is still helping orthodontists achieve an ABO-Grade finish on a routine basis. That’s just one reason ALiGO TPO is recognized worldwide as the leader in custom finishing appliances.
Whether you begin with fixed orthodontic treatment or one of the many aligner systems on the market, you will see dramatic results – quicker than you may have thought possible – by prescribing a ALiGO TPO finishing appliance. With our custom Tooth Positioners, ALiGO custom made appliances and the Refine orthodontic finishing appliance, you can excite your patients with early bracket removal, obtain greater patient compliance and finish flawlessly every time!
Tooth Positioner